Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things you can't do when you're married...

So – since I recently tied the proverbial knot – I’ve been thinking about all of the things I’m no longer “allowed” to do…

For example – I’ve always wanted to join the Peace Corps, and have been almost obsessing over it since Sargent Shriver, Jr. (first name, not ranking) passed away earlier this week. (For those of you who don’t know, he was the driving force behind the creation of the Peace Corps.)

Some of you may be saying, “That’s crap – she can totally still join… her and her husband can do it together.” What a delightful notion, right?! Well, before you start feeling all resolved and before I start packing, allow me to “introduce” you to my wonderful and (nearly) flawless husband, Raymond. Unfortunately, Ray could not be more dispassionate about spending over two years without daily access to things like running water, the internet, or ESPN.

A brief excerpt from our conversation last night:

Meadow: Why won’t you ever consider joining the Peace Corps?! (Asked less like an adult engaging in conversation – and more, I’m embarrassed to say, like a child who knows she’s not going to get her way) 

Ray: I have no desire to spend that amount of time in a remote, jungle village in the middle of Honduras or the Congo or someplace like that… I mean… (completely serious) I don’t want to be eaten.  

(Aaaaaaand… we’re done)

So, for all of you veterans out there...  how are we to resolve such a post-marital pickle?


  1. Very funny! In that aspect you two are so totally

  2. The key is not to ask. Just do things.

    Or, a better strategy is to start out by doing something totally outrageous, like joining the French Foreign Legion.

    After you agree to back down from that crazy idea (and give them a "win") you spring the real plan which, at this point, seems much more reasonable.

  3. HAHAHAH!!! Love it, Dave! So, I totally tried it but Ray was all, "Whatever, Meadow - chicks can't join the French Foreign Legion..." I was hoping he would overlook that one little hiccup. Plan B: Ray responds really well to guilt (he's Catholic)...
