Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Little Karmic Diddy

Have you ever invented or made-up something you were so proud of… only to find out that your creation already existed?

When I was a little girl, I was obsessed with the development and life-cycle of jokes. I vowed to make up a joke, tell everyone I knew (along with a few lucky people I didn’t), and my goal was to someday hear my own joke told back to me. Unfortunately, I was about four years old and the “funniest” joke I made up went something like this:

Why did the chicken cross the road?

(Person shrugs their shoulders because, let’s face it, there are a HUNDRED of these.)

To call the firemen for nothing!

(After an awkwardly long silence, their blank stare morphs into an over-enthusiastic laugh once they realize that my joke is done. I am too young to recognize social cues like the above mentioned pause and fake laugh, and I end up strutting away feeling quite sure that any day now, my goal will be realized.)

This, I’m not ashamed to say, has somewhat carried over into my adult life. In college, my roommate, Krissy (what, WHAT!!) and I were sitting around talking about how much we loved each other when she called me her brother-from-another-mother. I then said… “OMG!” (Not really though, because acronyms weren’t as cool as they are today) “You’re my sister-from-another-mister!!”

I went on to enthusiastically use this phrase whenever possible... hoping, obviously, to have it repeated back to me one fine day.

Fast forward five years – Ray, my semi-new boyfriend and I are watching TV and someone says the phrase, sister-from-another-mister. I start freaking out because at last (!!) my childhood dream has been realized! Ray is looking at me with this brilliant mixture of confusion and mocking disbelief. He then tells me definitively that I did not make that saying up and goes on to provide proof. I won’t even attempt to relay the crushing devastation that followed. Meany.

Fast forward three more years. I have not let Ray ruining my childhood dream destroy our relationship and he and I are living together in beautiful sin. On a random Wednesday during a particularly long week (you know, the one where it’s Tuesday and you’re all, “it’s Friday, right?”), I say to Ray, “Yay! It’s hump day!” His eyes light up – a big smile spreads across his unknowing face. “I made that up!” he says…

And Karmic Justice Is Served

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Deep thoughts, by: Meadow

As far as I can see there are two kinds of people in this world: those who walk around like little receptacles, and those who do not. The latter, wizards of their own Oz, are able to decide when an experience is worthy. The former, sensitive and vulnerable, do not discriminate and let it all in: every stare (smirking or smiling), every comment (critical or complementary), and every touch (threatening or tender). 

Which one are you?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Things you can't do when you're married...

So – since I recently tied the proverbial knot – I’ve been thinking about all of the things I’m no longer “allowed” to do…

For example – I’ve always wanted to join the Peace Corps, and have been almost obsessing over it since Sargent Shriver, Jr. (first name, not ranking) passed away earlier this week. (For those of you who don’t know, he was the driving force behind the creation of the Peace Corps.)

Some of you may be saying, “That’s crap – she can totally still join… her and her husband can do it together.” What a delightful notion, right?! Well, before you start feeling all resolved and before I start packing, allow me to “introduce” you to my wonderful and (nearly) flawless husband, Raymond. Unfortunately, Ray could not be more dispassionate about spending over two years without daily access to things like running water, the internet, or ESPN.

A brief excerpt from our conversation last night:

Meadow: Why won’t you ever consider joining the Peace Corps?! (Asked less like an adult engaging in conversation – and more, I’m embarrassed to say, like a child who knows she’s not going to get her way) 

Ray: I have no desire to spend that amount of time in a remote, jungle village in the middle of Honduras or the Congo or someplace like that… I mean… (completely serious) I don’t want to be eaten.  

(Aaaaaaand… we’re done)

So, for all of you veterans out there...  how are we to resolve such a post-marital pickle?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Well hello, Mr. Firsts

Ahh… let us ponder the pure evil of firsts. How is one ever able to realize their potential if one does not allow themselves to dive head first, recklessly into their (at the time) shallow pool of experience? What could I be permitted to enjoy if I were to wildly ignore the importance of firsts? From now on, I mean…

For as long as I can remember, I have expected perfection without practice. When something has not come naturally to me, I passed it off as, “oh, I’m just not meant to be a [painter, beat-boxer, photographer...etc…]" Some of you may see that as knowing my own limits – but I imagine most of you will see it as I have come to: a cop out. You could also see it as lazy, but I’m going to ask those of you who do to keep your opinion to yourself for the time being. I will let you know when you are free to share…

Well, no longer ladies and gentlemen. I am completely uninhibited - a real rebel - and I no longer expect perfection without some unedited failure. (Actually, if we’re being honest with each other – I’m about 80% pure inhibition and 20% terrified). But, what is important is that I have wanted to start this blog for a couple of years now and do you know what’s been keeping me from realizing my goal? This first post – I am terrified of this first post. What if it’s stupid, meaningless, and oh, dare I say, **gasp** not funny?!

So, because I am 70% of a rash and uninhibited, anti-perfectionist, I write for you my very first post and laugh in the face-o-firsts as I hit “publish” and shower my one follower (my husband who, incidentally, is bound by law to support me in all I do) with words of contemplation. Perhaps-maybe-possibly, some others will stumble upon my little blog... and if you are one of those stumblers, reader, and you find that you are like me: 60% pure inhibition and only 40% terrified... go ahead - grab Mr. Firsts by the balls! Wasn't it John Wayne who so eloquently said, "if you have them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow." Well, I say, 'One may not know what they're going to say or do next, but if you have them by the balls, at least you know they're listening...'