Monday, March 28, 2011

A little poem for you...

Monday, Monday

An unashamed


Our first lady

and goddess

of gender neutral suits.

Oozing appropriate, well-timed responses from her prim brim

before the rest of the world dreams of Huey Lewis and the news.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


"Isms"... what are “isms,” you ask? Well, they are quiet, little customs that each one of us performs instinctively. These minor habits can cross into OCD territory, but typically, they are harmless, habitual actions that, simply put, make you - you!

I see you shaking your head. “I don't have any 'isms,'” you proclaim.

Ahhhhh, but you do!

You see, more often than not, "isms" are unknown to their hosts. Quirky and minor by nature, they frequently go unnoticed and therefore, are rarely celebrated properly for their unique and charming nature. I am a firm believer that “isms” should be identified and applauded as much as possible... so... here are some “isms” for you to enjoy on this lazy Sunday...

A loved one of mine (who will remain unnamed for obvious reasons) bites their toe-nails while watching TV. This is the best illustration of how “isms” sometimes don’t make any sense… you see, this individual, who gnaws shamelessly on their toes, is a serious germ-a-phobe. They decline food prepared in other people’s kitchens (unless they’ve seen the aforementioned kitchen and have given it their seal-of-approval). They sanitize thoroughly after filling up their car with gas, and take (literally) three showers a day. Then again, if I were sticking my feet in my mouth, I would shower more frequently too. Now, I should mention that they are making a concerted effort to eliminate this “ism.” Best of luck to you, Ray Ray!

Olga, my oldest and dearest friend, sweetly and sporadically yawns while engaged in friendly conversation, unabashedly guards her bed against “street clothes” (anything that has ventured outside), and skillfully (yet unconsciously) ties sections of her hair into knots to pass the time.

My step-father, Bryan, must lie on the floor following a large meal... and remains there even if we put up a Christmas tree where he's relaxing...

My mother takes the biggest bites, yet somehow manages to still be eating after everyone else is done with their meal. I swear you could give that woman a piece of toast to nosh on as you sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, and she would still be working on it HOURS after you’re done with your turkey and stuffing.

My friend, Niki, has one of the cutest “isms” EV-er! In addition to her great love of any and all cheese products, the first thing she does when she wakes up in the morning is scratch all over her belly and back. I should make clear that she does not have any sort of rash or skin irritation… just a cute, little Niki-ism…

Laura, her bff, and dear friend of mine, loves to take pictures with pursed lips… and when she’s excited, her mouth opens up really, really wide. She gets away with all of this because she’s really H.O.T.

Two words for Kindl... dance face.

The lovely Marguerite will only ever finish half of any meal she orders, and then asks for aluminum foil to wrap it up and bring it home (my favorite part of this “ism” are the faces servers give her upon her request). She will also yell at complete strangers for littering, even though she’s the sweetest, most non-confrontational person I know. Cute little tree-hugger ;-)

Krissy, my sister-from-another-mister, swishes around her soda after taking a drink. (dialogue bubble: "can I get another diet coke over here!")

My step-mother, Amy, won’t drive into town unless there are at least 4 errands on her list of things-to-do…

My father will eat the same meal for months, even years if given the chance. Some of these long-running dishes include: tortillas with almond butter and bananas, pasta with cat fish, and salmon with sweet potatoes (to name just a few)…

My dearest PAT ie: Edwardo Patricio Olvera, will never, ever look directly at a camera while his picture is being taken. I have countless, adored photos of his handsome profile.

And last but definitely not least, D-Mack (what-WHAT!!!) will open his big, beautiful eyes even wider for a split-second right before he begins to explain something he would like everyone to take seriously.

I hope you appreciated learning about just a few “isms” belonging to some of my friends and family. Now you will begin to observe and admire these small actions carried out by your nearest and dearest. 
